Audio Visual and Smart Technology Pop Quiz!
How is Audio Visual and Smart Technology improving your current office space?
Your answers to these five questions might determine the future of your workplace and workforce:
- Do you have proper lighting in your workspace? Proper lighting allows employees to have less eye strain and gives them energy to continue through their workdays. It can also save your company money over the long run.
- Are your conference rooms “smart”? Do they recognize you when you walk in the room, and automatically sign you in? Do they turn on lights and media for you without you having to touch a button? It’s even more important in a post-COVID world that we move to an environment that is as touchless as possible.

- Do you utilize interactive whiteboards? With more companies moving to partial or fully remote work environments, interactive smart technology, including whiteboards, will become even more critical than it had been previously.
- Are your TV’s commercial or residential grade? Commercial grade TV’s provide longer life and more durability than residential grade. As you return to the workplace, will your current TV’s allow for the technology you need moving forward?
- Do you have enough hand sanitizing stations throughout your work environment? How safe do your employees feel returning to work? More cleanliness and sanitizing are going to continue to be more relevant post-COVID.
So…how’d you do? If you are unsure as to how you answered even ONE of the questions above, you might struggle in a post-COVID world. The good news? Millennium Sounds is ready to help. Contact us today to schedule a free assessment of your technology footprint: [email protected].